Mount and blade warband bear force 2
Mount and blade warband bear force 2

mount and blade warband bear force 2

Though the mod was outdated and working for the 1.134 Warband version, it was playable and still quiet fun, but very very bugged.

mount and blade warband bear force 2

His answer was affermative and he gave me all the files needed to work on it. Thus, i decided to act: I PMed Highlander asking him if there was any chance to continue his project. One day, the 14th December, after talking with Shredorz about the mod, I noticed it was a pity to let such a promising mod slip into the dead mods’ limbo. Unfortunately, he stopped working on it about 1 year ago and the mod looked dead to all those who viewed the page, including me.

mount and blade warband bear force 2

(2012)Star Wars: Bear Force II used to be a mod developed by Highlander for Mount & Blade: Warband.

Mount and blade warband bear force 2